Friday, December 7, 2007

urban defect: wire blight

The nervous system belongs underneath the skin.

The guys who climb the utility poles and all of the people who drive past these nests of linear clutter will tell you this is merely an aesthetic consideration, that keeping the communication, power, and entertainment infrastructure out in plain sight and easily accessible is just fine, thank you very much.


This was how things looked in Manhattan in 1888 during the worst blizzard of that century. It was back in the day, when Edison and Nikola Tesla were still duking out AC vs DC power distribution strategies. No question about the wireblight back then, friends.

That storm made big trouble and blew out much of the young network. When visiting NYC today you will note that the nervous system is entirely under the skin.

Extreme weather tends to expose our weaknesses. Probably a safe bet that freakish future weather (much amplified by our accumulated environmental misdeeds) will be the boot that kicks our ass into burying the current blight.